
when its sixthirty in the morning

i love hardcore show. REAL hardcore shows. no metalcore beatdown bullshit. no hatemosh. no screamscream breebree. fuck you. i love hardcore. and its not about being as angry as possible. not about respect and crews. all of you have lost sight, probably never had a true sight on this. i am still here for the same reasons. despite how much our scene has changed. even if i go to one legit hardcore show a year. im still at all of them for the same reason. its where i feel i belong. im so at home. never will i lose sight on why im here. never will i let anger become apart of me. the world is ugly and sometimes i just cant take part in it and need to get away. and these nights are where its at. i dont care how corny this sounds. it cant come out any other way. or how naive it may seem. this keeps me alive. this keep me real. and i wont say for atleast right now because these times will live with me forever. time after time i wont be jaded by this dying scene. ill always welcome new kids because hopefully their here for the same reasons i started. despite the extreme difference in music, if their hearts are in it, thats golden. for anyone that doesnt want this world to consume them, does not want let anger consume them. let your aggression out in music and at these shows. stay positive. hahaha this makes me laugh be i love it. the feeling cannot be explained but its simply bliss.

Again I’ve lost myself in the morning rush.
I am going on few hours of sleep, it’s not enough.
It’s never enough for me.
But the night before I had my fists in the air.
With my feet on the floor,
I didn’t care about anything except the songs.
This is the only place I feel I truly belong.
So now I will say, fuck the mornings.
Tonight I’ll stay out late,
put my heart into something real and take the stage.
Let’s live our dreams right now.
So many people look for purpose in their lives,
and it feels good to say that I’ve found mine.
So many people have nothing to take pride in.
They don’t have shit. What the fuck do you have?
This is where we belong. This is all we know.
These songs are all I’ve got, with nowhere else to go.
This is where we belong. This is all we know.
These songs are all I’ve got. I’ll see you at the show.
When it’s six thirty in the morning and I can’t open my eyes, this is the only thing that keeps me from wanting to die.

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