Again I’ve lost myself in the morning rush.
I am going on few hours of sleep, it’s not enough.
It’s never enough for me.
But the night before I had my fists in the air.
With my feet on the floor,
I didn’t care about anything except the songs.
This is the only place I feel I truly belong.
So now I will say, fuck the mornings.
Tonight I’ll stay out late,
put my heart into something real and take the stage.
Let’s live our dreams right now.
So many people look for purpose in their lives,
and it feels good to say that I’ve found mine.
So many people have nothing to take pride in.
They don’t have shit. What the fuck do you have?
This is where we belong. This is all we know.
These songs are all I’ve got, with nowhere else to go.
This is where we belong. This is all we know.
These songs are all I’ve got. I’ll see you at the show.
When it’s six thirty in the morning and I can’t open my eyes, this is the only thing that keeps me from wanting to die.
when its sixthirty in the morning
im in trouble.
and everything im trying to type just isnt coming out how i want it so ill leave it at this.
this is so strange to me. maybe because i was never really able to have this because my past always creeps up on me and id end up where ive been for years. but this is new. its exciting. and it hurts. i dont know what to expect. i dont know how to feel. i dont know anything at all. and it feels so much better. its like walking around sanfrancisco. ive been here a couple times, but each time its new cause the people im with. i know main roads and signposts to take, but its always a second guess to where im at. instead of walking around tracy where i know where everything is. i know when the lights will turn red. and i know ive taken this road a million times before. well now that i think of it, frisco was a bad example cause i know it more than i think i do. lets just say its a new city to walk. i love metaphor's.
anyways im fucking worried about you. i feel like jake when it comes to me. hahaha i love you jake. SOOO i know the path your taking i know the doubts your fighting and i probably could tell you exactly what your gonna do next. just remember to hold on close to what keeps you, you and never give up.