

i like free spirit girls. but i have trust issues.

this sucks.



Jessica said...

free spirit girls are fun. they keep you on your toes. get over your trust issues, they will only hold you back. i know it's hard, trust me. i know. but as much of a free spirit that you seem to be, you gotta be free, ya know?

aarondavy said...

i know! i dont get lost in routine and im always excited. but with that comes the scars of the past. i am kinda getting over it. i will trust her. but even a hunch can destroy it. i just want to find someone like this and im sure it will go away.

Jessica said...

the hunch and lack of trust will most likely always reside, from experience. it's a matter of putting as far back as you can, and realizing the person has never done anything to you. it's almost like being traumatized. you figure it'll happen once, it'll happen again. it's really a bad habit, but oh do i know it is hard to break.