

i cant seem to put together a decent blog, let alone a complete thought.
i havent even really been on the computer for a few days. just a lot of thinking going on and well, thats what blogging is for right? ha.

ive always been a social person, i just like being around people. sometimes. and ive interacted, watched, discussed, everything. and i just cant understand why so many people are unhappy, when happiness is valued so high to them. they do so much to make themselves happy, but always a step further to make someone else happy. sure they know that making someone else happy, especially someone they care about happy, will essentially make themselves happy. simply settling for contentment. and those people who do go for the win to be happy, are ridiculed, looked at as a selfish ass, when in fact its what everyone wishes they could do. yes its great to make other people happy, but this is your life, so shouldnt it be your first priority? its strange how some friends can be so high-maintenance. if someone else isnt happy, thats their burden to bare. they will get there on their own. im not saying to never do anything for someone else, just keep it in perspective. i know im not on to talk about this, but were not talking about me. just remember when we were young, hell even just the last time we were happy. we didnt have a care in the world. running around in the streets was enough. and as each year goes by one more thing we loved, we dont care so much about anymore. nothings ever enough.

on the note of younger, ive been out of school for nearly 2 years and i still have high hopes for the weekends. a routine brought on by school monday through friday. when i did go back to school for a while, i went for two days, and worked the rest. days off were hardly around, and when it happened it was never a weekend. weekdays were slow and relaxing, just the opposite of what i grew up with. and still with the ability to make any day friday, actually my life now everyday is friday, i still wait out the week for friday.

are you commited, or are you involved?

and again random thoughts will always blockout what im trying to say, how im feeling.

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